Wednesday 26 March 2014

Oil Cleansing Method

Okay so today I’m going to be telling you all about the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM), show you what it is and then I am going to start the 14 day challenge. Going to get a little personal here talking about my acne. It’s one of my biggest insecurities but I’m hoping with the OCM it won’t be anymore. I’ve had acne since the age of 13 and I’ve tried everything to get rid of it from cleansers, the fancy brushes, over the counter medications, prescription medications and nothing has worked for me. Since I’m almost 20 and still have horrible acne I’ve been researching how to clear it up. And that’s when I came across the Oil Cleansing Method.

Background On Our Skin 
Let’s give a quick background about our skin. Our skin is our largest organ in the body that produces its own beneficial oils for our skin. Our oils help lubricate, heal, protect and moisturize our skin so it can function properly. When we use soaps and cleansers we are stripping our skin from the natural oils we produce which makes our skin produce even more of the oil to compensate for us taking it away. Because it is in overdrive producing more oils this leads to clogged pores, blackheads and whiteheads. Contrary to popular belief we do not get acne from oil, but instead we get acne from many different factors such as hormones, bacteria, dead skin cells and the build up of these factors. So OIL=GOOD and the reason this OCM works is because like dissolves like, so our natural oil and the oils we are using to cleanse work together.

The Ingredients 
There are two ingredients we use for this cleansing method. The first and the most important is Castor Oil.

This can be found at your local drugstore in the laxative section usually on the bottom shelf. I got mine from Wal-Mart for about $5. Castor oil has potent anti-inflammatory properties, but is also has healing and cleansing properties, which is why we use this as our primary oil. A little bit of Castor Oil goes a long way, and believe it or not too much will leave you with surprisingly dry skin. Okay so since Castor Oil is so thick and it's cleansing properties so strong we need to dilute it with another oil that is thinner in consistency but no less nurturing to the skin. The secondary oil you choose is entirely up to you but choose form natural, cold-pressed vegetable oils, as these have nutrients, vitamins and fatty acids that mineral oil and other refined oils don’t. There are many out there that can be used such as Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil the list goes on and on. Most people start with Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) in their Oil-Cleansing Ratio, but you can experiment to find the best for you. EVOO sinks deep into the skin aiding a deeper transportation into the pores of the Castor Oil allowing it to remove the dirt and grime. I got my Extra Virgin Olive Oil for about $6 from Wal-Mart.

I have also been researching up about Tea Tree Oil and have found it is great for breakouts so I will be adding this to my mixture as well which I got from Wal-Mart, it was the most expensive at $15. This whole project cost me about $30 but if you didn't use the Tea Tree Oil, it would only cost you about $12 that's so cheap because a little will last you a long time!

The Oil Cleansing Ratio 
Alright so when first starting out with this method it is best to mix small amounts in case we need to change up the ratios based on your skin type. Here’s a quick rule, if after using the method you find your face to be too dry, remove Castor Oil or add more of your Secondary Oil. If your face is too oily, add Castor Oil or remove some Secondary Oil.
For starting out I am using tsp of the oils incase I need to change up the ratios.
- For Oily Skin: Use 2/3 Castor Oil to 1/3 Secondary Oil (2tsp Castor Oil, 1stp Seconday Oil)
- Normal Skin: Use equal parts castor oil and secondary oil (1 ½tsp Castor Oil, 1 ½tsp Secondary Oil) - - Dry Skin: Use 1/3 Castor Oil to 2/3 Secondary Oil (1tsp Castor Oil, 2tsp Secondary Oil)
* Remember these ratios aren’t set in stone but a good starting point, everyone’s skin is different so you may need to adjust accordingly

The Oil Cleansing Method 
1. Prepare your mixture into a small bottle. You can do this ahead of time or complete it now.
I am just using an old shampoo bottle to put my mixture in. I am going to start out with the mixture for oily skin.
I added 2 tsps of Castor Oil, 1 tsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil & a few drops of Tea Tree Oil. Then mixed it together.
2. Get a clean washcloth and turn your hot water on to warm it up
3. Starting with a dirty face, no need to pre-clean here, even leave your makeup on, rinse your face lightly with warm water.
4. Then pour about the size of a quarter amount onto your palm. Gently apply it on your face, massaging it into your face in circles. Massage for 2 minutes, then let the oil sit and do it’s job for 30 more seconds.
5. Wet your washcloth with very warm water, make sure its not cold as you need the warm water to soften the oil. Place the wet washcloth onto your face and hold it there for 10-15 seconds or until washcloth is cool to let the warm water open up your pores and help the oil get deep into there.
6. Slowly begin to wipe off the oil.
7. Rinse your washcloth and repeat until all the oil is off of your skin.

And it's easy as that! I am going to be very brave & post a beginning photo of this challenge. Feel free to join the challenge with me & post your before picture :) See you in 14 days!


  1. Excited to see how it turns out! :)

    Also, are you going to be posting about your Cameo projects? :) Cause I would LOVE that! :)

    1. Yeah lately with school haven't had much time for any Cameo projects, hoping to get more done this summer :)
