Monday 17 March 2014

Kobo Troubles

I love to read, it can almost be classified as a problem. I have a bad habit that once I start a book nothing else matters until I finish that book, which makes for some great procrastination :) I am a huge fan of paperbacks but they can take up a lot of space, so last year for my birthday I asked for a e-reader. It was a big decision between which e-reader, and then which style! I ended up with a Kobo Glo, because I liked the idea of the back lit screen so I can read at night. I also love the fact that it doesn't have a glare because it isn't like a computer screen. I love that you can customize your e-reader with cute cases, like this one that I have the Kobo Glo Classic Cover

I have over 400 books that I got for FREE, from either or there are tons of facebook groups that share free e-books.

Okay now that I've shared my love of reading and my Kobo, I have to get to the troubles I've been having and the excellent service I received. I was going to add more books to my Kobo and in order to do that you have to plug your Kobo in to your computer. I have a MacBook Pro (which I love) and I hadn't updated my Kobo in quite awhile but this time when I went to plug-in my Kobo my computer wouldn't read it :(  I tried everything, from shutting down my computer, to resetting my Kobo to the factory settings but nothing worked. Finally I decided I would try call the customer support number on the Kobo website. I spoke with this lovely lady (wish I could remember her name) for over an hour and she tried everything to help me, but we couldn't come to a solution. I could tell she was a book lover because she knew how horrible it must have been to be without my ereader for over a week now! She talked to a manager about my situation and they have now sent me a replacement Kobo in the mail, I am so thrilled and thankful for this sweet lady. They are also sending the return label for me to send my old Kobo back to them and I get to keep the brand new one!

It is still in the mail but will update you when I receive it and hopefully can start reading again.

Well I am thrilled my Kobo came in the mail! I couldn't be happier because I can start reading again! The only thing left to do is but my old Kobo in the mail & send it off !
They gave a box for me to put my broke Kobo in,

And a bag to put the box in already with a return label & everything!

Then put it in my mailbox,
Put the flag up & enjoy reading on my new Kobo!
(P.S After posting this I am very embarrassed of our mailbox, one of my next projects will be to redo it lol :)

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